
Codrin Scutaru, PhD.

Chief Executive Officer @ Public Affairs Solution

Codrin Scutaru served as Managing Director of US consultancy McGuireWoods office in Romania since 2018. As of January 2020, he took the lead of Public Affairs Solutions as Chief Executive Officer, considering the transition of McGuireWoods Romania to a wholly owned Romanian company.

Codrin is one of the most experienced public affairs executives in the Romanian landscape who has led top public affairs campaigns in various industries, such as education, private pensions, vouchers, healthcare, and pharma, automotive, tax and others, helping big investors to set up their business in Romania or to maintain key strategic investors in the country.

Prior to joining McGuireWoods, Codrin served the Romanian Government in various capacities for almost 8 years as State Secretary of the Ministry of Labor with wide managerial attributions and Advisor for social policy or EU affairs at the PM’s Office, Ministry of Labor and Ministry of Education. In his public duties, Codrin has built a strong transatlantic communication channel with US and UK public officials and politicians.

Codrin is also very active in the community, serving as Vice President within the OvidiuRO Association. Together with founding members of Ovidiu RO, Maria Gheorghiu and Leslie Hawke, Codrin has had a leading role in Every Child in Kindergarten bill for mobilizing public and private resources to ensure that quality early education is available to Romania’s poorest children.

Alongside his public tenure, Codrin pursued a political career being actively involved in Romanian politics in liberal center-right parties since 2007, being among others a founding member of a former coalition party, where he served as deputy chairperson.


Agenda Evenimentului
November 2, 2022
2:30 pm

Sesiunea II - Impactul economic al Prezenteismului

Hotel Pullman, București, Sala New York
2 November
Time:  2:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Location:  Hotel Pullman, București, Sala New York

Cifrele elimina orice emotie și opinie personală despre ceea ce credem noi. Din acest motiv un raport bine întocmic valoarează cât 10 întâlniri și poate zeci de ore pierdute. Din această expunere vei putea întelege pragmatic cum afecteaza acest sindrom o companie de peste 500 de angajați și cum să crești profitul companiei cu 20 % .

Teme :
• Prezenteismul din perspectiva unui GM
• Impactul economic al acestui sindrom
• Cum poti astupa o gaura invizibila?

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